About IC
Global Initiatives
Global Imagine Projects
The Imagine Movement has spread to over 70 projects in more than 20 countries spanning six continents and continues to grow.
Imagine Africa conference in Goree, Senegal
Planting a Dream conference in Denmark
Imagine Englewood if, Chicago
Imagine Central Singapore
Imagine Durban
Training for Communities Scotland
Start up picnic for a new hub in Kyiv, Ukraine 2009 (click to enlarge)
Since 1998, a self-organizing global Imagine movement has emerged in dialogue with Imagine Chicago's work. Each Imagine project has been locally designed and implemented. Some have been neighborhood-focused and run by unpaid volunteers. Others have been city- or country-wide and initiated and managed by government staff with public funding; others have been public-private institutional partnerships.
Imagine projects tend to share certain common features: strength-based and vision-oriented communications; intergenerational collaboration as a preferred way of working; integration of arts-based activities into civic dialogue; and a commitment to place-based intercultural communities of practice within which people share ideas, resources and practical tools that make a tangible community difference. Some large scale Imagine projects in cities like Calgary and Durban have focused on citizens’ defining a long term vision for sustainable development that can inform government decision making in the present.
Imagine Chicago has been contacted by more than 70 Imagine projects in the world, many claiming inspiration from Imagine Chicago. Many other initiatives are infused with a similar commitment to inspired citizen imagination and commitment to place. If you have developed such a project, we would love to hear from you!
Case Studies
Imagine Keighley congratulations video about what to keep in mind as you begin an Imagine process